04 April 2022
UQ Women in Engineering Breakfast
EM Solutions purchased a table at the 2022 University of Queensland (UQ) Women in Engineering Breakfast – an annual event hosted by the UQ Women in Engineering Alumni Ambassador Council (WIEAAC), dedicated to promoting a more inclusive future with this year’s focus continuing the IWD theme of ‘Breaking the Bias’.
We were privileged enough to enjoy a tasty breakfast while listening to this year’s keynote speaker – Cecile Wake, CEO of Arrow Energy as she addressed the future of access to energy in developing countries, including the impact on women. Cecile’s address was followed by an experienced panel of professionals discussing how we can contribute to creating positive change through calling out bias, smashing stereotypes, breaking inequality and rejecting discrimination.
The panel asked the crowd a rather philosophical question to wrap things up for the morning – How would the world differ, were it designed by women? This question brought up a host of answers, ranging from “Free childcare in all office buildings” to “Potentially as much gender inequality as now and in the past, but reversed” – something to ponder.
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