Sovereign comms collective launched in C4 EDGE

EOS has gathered a best of breed collection of Australian owned and operated SMEs under a new C4 EDGE banner to work on communications programs.

By Katherine Ziesing, Australian Defence Magazine

Under an initial $4.2 million contract, C4 Edge is scoping the demonstration of a sovereign land battlegroup and below communications environment for the Australian Army. Programs like Land 200 were not mentioned at the event but are an obvious candidate for the group.

“This is a genuine creative and innovative activity from Army,” EOS Defence Systems CEO Grant Sanderson said at the event at their Symonston facility in Canberra yesterday. “I think there will be some revelations that come out of this process. Not to mention so many export opportunities not just for EOS but all the companies involved in C4 Edge.”

Ultimately, by the end of 2021 the program will have delivered a proof of concept demonstration that shows the capability of Australian industry to further develop a protected, integrated and supportable sovereign system: one that delivers agile and resilient C2 functionality to meet the flexible, scalable and interoperability needs of a battlegroup operating independently or with partners.

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