31 March 2021
EOS STEM Investment Announced
EOS Invests in Future Australian STEM and Space Leaders
Announced at the 11th Australian Space Forum, Adelaide, 31 March 2021
Australia’s best and brightest future leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and space are being supported to develop their talent under a suite of scholarships and professional development opportunities announced by Electro Optic Systems (EOS).
As a global leader in STEM technology and the largest sovereign Australian space business, EOS understands the critical importance of developing the skilled workforce required to meet Australia’s strategic objectives in these fields.
Today’s series of announcements represent a $50,000 investment by EOS in the next generation of talented Australians in both secondary and tertiary education. It follows the business’ investment of over $20 million in Australian research in these fields over the past five years.
EOS Space Systems Research Awards
EOS is pleased to announce its partnership with the Andy Thomas Space Foundation to launch the EOS Space Systems Research Awards for post-graduate research in advanced satellite engineering and communications topics.
“This partnership represents the joint effort of our organisations to advance space education in the country and provide a strong foundation for the continued growth of an innovative local space sector”, said Foundation CEO Nicola Sasanelli AM.
Under the program, EOS Space Systems will award three prizes worth up to $10,000 to researchers or doctoral candidates currently enrolled in an Australian university.
“EOS is a technology company delivering advanced products for commercial space and defence industries. To deliver these products EOS relies on a highly educated and skilled workforce in science, technology, engineering and mathematics”, said EOS Space Systems CEO Professor Craig Smith. “EOS is very pleased to support STEM education in Australia that underpins EOS’ and other Australian technology companies’ future needs for educated and skilled staff.”
Applications for the awards open on 1 April 2021 and close 30 June 2021. Special consideration will be given to indigenous Australians, women, and applicants from rural or regional areas, to build an Australian space sector that best reflects the diversity of our country. Further details on eligibility are available here
Applications for the EOS Space Systems Research Awards can be lodged here
EOS Scholarships for Future Excellence in STEM
EOS is also proud to announce additional STEM investment with its EOS Scholarships for Future Excellence in STEM program focused on women. Scholarships are eligible to high school students, students in tertiary education and recent graduates and who have a recognised passion or talent for STEM.
“As a leader in our industry, EOS acknowledges the important role it can play to inspire students to seek out and pursue education and future careers in STEM,” EOS Group CEO Dr Ben Greene said.
“We recognise that women are under-represented in STEM careers and are committed to supporting the gender equity of Australia’s workforce. The EOS Scholarships for Future Excellence in STEM also reflect the need to encourage and support continued interest in STEM areas from high school and into university.”
Funding of between $4,000 and $8,000 can be used in any way that helps recipients learn about and explore opportunities in STEM, including through the purchase of study materials, equipment and technology, and participation in relevant training and events. EOS also offers an internship program that provides STEM work experience opportunities via participation in a distinct project and research under the guidance of a mentor at EOS.
EOS has partnered with One Giant Leap Australia to identify and select the following students as the 2021 recipients of a $4,000 scholarship:
- Francesca Dobbie, Merewether High School, Newcastle NSW
- Jessica Kreskay, Moorefield Girls High School, Kogarah NSW
- Lisa Rheinberger, Macquarie University
EOS will also award a $8,000 scholarship and EOS internship to:
- Olivia Widjaja, University of New South Wales
“We are honoured to partner with EOS on such an inspirational and life changing initiative that links education and industry to skill the STEM workforce of the future. This scholarship program aligns perfectly with the immersive opportunities that the One Giant Leap Australia Foundation delivers”, Jackie Carpenter, Founder, One Giant Leap Australia Foundation said. “Our programs are unique, focussed and equitable, supporting participation from regional, rural and remote communities”.
“EOS looks forward to continuing its support for the development of Australia’s future leaders in STEM and space through initiatives like those we have announced today”, Dr Greene concluded.
Further information on the EOS Scholarships for Future Excellence in STEM can be found here
Top image: Pictured at the 11th Space Forum in Adelaide (L-R) EOS Scholarship recipient Jessica Kreskay with James Bennett Head of Technology Development for EOS Space Systems and founder of the One Giant Leap Foundation, Jackie Carpenter.