EOS featured on RN's Future Tense

ABC National, Radio Future Tense with Jennifer Leake

EOS Space Systems' Craig Smith joins a discussion on the problem of space junk, including the growing risk of collisions and how our future use of space could be under threat.

"When satellites collide..."

There’s been a huge increase in the number of satellites orbiting Earth with private companies and governments planning to launch hundreds more. Near-Earth orbit is already crowded, and the risks posed by space junk are increasing. The consequences could be catastrophic.

Featured speakers:

Dr Stuart Clarke - astronomy journalist and author

Caleb Henry - Senior Analyst, Quilty Analytics

Jonathan McDowell - astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics

Chris McLaughlin - Chief of Government, Regulation and Engagement, One Web

Darren Mcknight - Senior Technical Lead, Leo Labs

Harriet Brettle – Head of Business Analysis, Astroscale

Craig Smith - CEO of EOS Space Systems

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