ADM Exclusive: From the Source Interview with Andreas Schwer

Published May 2024 | Australian Defence Magazine

Well known for their Remote Weapon Systems (RWS), Satellite Communications, Space Control, and Directed Energy capabilities, EOS is expanding its footprint around the world. To learn more of the company's plans, ADM Senior Correspondent Julian Kerr spoke with CEO and Managing Director Andreas Schwer.

ADM: As stated on the EOS website, the Canberra-based company has designed, manufactured and exported advanced technology systems for nearly 40 years. So, can you provide an overview of the current business?

SCHWER: Our four pillars of activity involve product lines for Remote Weapon Systems (RWS) and Satellite Communications, along with strategic business lines for Space Control, and for Directed Energy, i.e., High Energy Laser Weapons. RWS is the backbone of our business, it’s very profitable and we’re a world market leader, in particular, for 30mm high-performance calibre weapon systems (RWS).

Our Brisbane-based subsidiary EM Solutions produces satellite communications antennas for naval vessels. We have a $200 million order from the RAN and orders from several European NATO navies: also from the Middle East. This activity is our fastest growing and most profitable division. Both product lines together represent about 80 per cent of our current revenue.

But whatever we do, we’ve always been first in class and benchmark in performance and strive for further improvement. For example, in the RWS business we are 30 to 40 per cent better in accuracy and range than our next competitors.

ADM: Are you more expensive?

SCHWER: With our high-end products, we are playing in the same price league as other Western competitors. But obviously, there are Eastern European and Asian competitors offering their products at a cheaper price - albeit at a different performance level.

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